
- artist
- year1973
- dimensions(cm)
- width : 223 height : 200 depth : 200
- materials
- Steel
- Paint
- owner/custodian

- countryCroatia
- citySisak
- addressKavurić Brothers street
- environmental context suburban area, industrial area
An installation view of Flower by Vera Fischer in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park (2018)
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2019-06-22
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), total. (Photo by Sagita Mirjam Sunara, 22 June 2019 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
Catalogue of the final exhibition of the 1973 Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists Colony
- type: scanned-paper-document
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Sešo, Branka, ed. 1973. 1973 : Kolonija likovnih umjetnika III. Sisak: Kolonija likovnih umjetnika Željezare Sisak. Courtesy of Vlatko Čakširan (Sisak Municipal Museum).
Comment: Black-and-white photographs of Vera Fischer's Symmetry (unpainted), and Milena Lah's Seagull's Wing (unpainted). Short biographies of the two artists.
Micro-Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy of paint samples collected in 2017 from the sculpture Flower (1973) by Vera Fischer
- type: electronic-document
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
[1] Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2017. "Paint samples taken from the sculpture Flower by Vera Fischer from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park, Croatia : Uzorci uzeti sa skulpture Vere Fischer Cvijet iz Parka skulptura Željezare Sisak u Sisku." Unpublished document. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.
[2] Jembrih-Simbürger, Dubravka. 2017. "Micro-Raman and FTIR investigations on 5 paint samples taken from the outdoor sculpture Cvijet (Flower, 1980, Vera Fischer)." Unpublished report. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute of Science and Technology in Art.
- resources/UNIST/FISCHER_Flower_1973/Examination_Analysis/SUNARA_Sample-analysis-request-from_23-11-2017.pdf resources/UNIST/FISCHER_Flower_1973/Examination_Analysis/JEMBRIH-SIMBUERGER_Paint-samples-analysis-report_18-12-2017.pdf
Condition report and treatment proposal for the sculpture Flower by Vera Fischer, from 2018
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2018-01-08
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2018. "Konzervatorsko-restauratorski elaborat za skulpturu Cvijet autorice Vere Fischer iz Parka skulptura nastalih u okviru Kolonije likovnih umjetnika Željezara Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.
Comment: The art-historical note is followed by a description of the materials and techniques used in the fabrication of the sculpture, and by a description of its as-found condition. The treatment proposal was written by Jelena Tomasović Grbić (Kvinar d.o.o.). Cost estimate is considered confidential information, and has been removed from the file. Appendices have also been omitted.
Photo-documentation of the conservation-restoration treatment carried out in 2018/2019 on the sculpture Flower (1973) by Vera Fischer
- type: born-digital photograph
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Photos (left to right):
[1] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), pre-treatment condition. (Photo by Sagita Mirjam Sunara, 11 September 2017 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[2] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), dismantling and moving of the sculpture to the conservation-restoration workshop of the company Ferrum in Zagreb. (Photo by Sagita Mirjam Sunara, 26 September 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[3] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), testing of the paint removal using carbon dioxide (CO2) blasting. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 16 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[4] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), metal surface damaged by unauthorized paint removal with a rotary drill. (Photo by Sagita Mirjam Sunara, 17 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[5] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), paint removal using carbon dioxide (CO2) blasting. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 17 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[6] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), total after the paint removal and flattening out of the deformed metal strips. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 12 November 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[7] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), detail showing a fractured metal strip after welding. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 12 November 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[8] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), application of the base coat. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 12 November 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[9] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), application of the top coat. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 15 November 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[10] Flower by Vera Fischer (1973), re-installation in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park. (Photo by Tina Tomšič, 23 April 2019 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
Maintenance of the sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park in 2013
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2013-10-11
- Symmetry
- Seagull's Wing
- The Work Process
- Sculpture V
- Object I
- Form
- Our Life
- In Memory of George of Dalmatia
- Riderless
- Object II
- Dark Visions I
- Relief in Space
- Flower
- Dark Visions II
- Antipodes
- Title unknown
- Puzzle Column
- Man and Woman
- Rhythms II
- Random Form With a Thesis
- Prayer Book
- Wall
- City '85
- Door
- Form I
- Orator
- High Voltage
- Zgurić and Family
- Composition I, Composition II
- Butterfly
- Imaginary Machine
- Man-Machine
- Bull's Head
- Flower
- Bird
- Incandescent Planet
- Ornament
- Wayside Monument
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Ljubić Tobisch, Valentina; Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2013. "Izvješće o provođenju mjera preventivne zaštite na javnim skulpturama nastalim u sklopu Kolonije likovnih umjetnika Željezare Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.