
- artist
- year1985
- dimensions(cm)
- width : 313.7 height : 201.4 depth : 59
- materials
- Steel
- Paint
- owner/custodian

- countryCroatia
- citySisak
- addressDuke Branimir Street
- environmental context suburban area, industrial area
An installation view of Wall by Dora Kovačević in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park (2018)
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2018-10-25
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985), total. (Photo by Boris Cvjetanović, 25 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
Catalogue of the final exhibition of the 1985 Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists Colony
- type: scanned-paper-document
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Pirc – Petrinjak, Pavica, ed. 1985. XV Kolonija likovnih umjetnika 'Željezara Sisak' : rujan/listopad 1985. umjetnika. Sisak: OSIZ kulture Željezara Sisak – Sisak. Courtesy of Vlatko Čakširan (Sisak Municipal Museum).
Comment: Black-and-white photographs of Dora Kovačević's Wall (during fabrication), and Ante Kuduz's City '85 (during fabrication). Biographies of the two artists, and the list of artworks they produced in the Sisak Steelworks Artists Colony.
Archival photographs showing the fabrication of the sculpture Wall by Dora Kovačević, and its display at the final exhibition of the Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists Colony
- type: scanned printed photograph
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Photos (left to right):
[1] Model for the sculpture Wall by Dora Kovačević, and for the sculpture Man by Zvonimir Lončarić on top of it. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
[2] Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985), during fabrication. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
[3] Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985), during fabrication. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
[4] Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985), during fabrication. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
[5] Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985), during fabrication. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
[6] Figures III by Branimir Karanović (1985) and Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985) at the final exhibition of the 1985 colony. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
[7] Figures III by Branimir Karanović (1985) and Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985) at the final exhibition of the 1985 colony. (Photo by Branimir Karanović, 1985. Courtesy of Branimir Karanović.)
Artist interview with Dora Kovačević conducted in 2015
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2015-12-09
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Kovačević, Dora. (2015, December 9). Interview by Tina Tomšič and Sagita Mirjam Sunara [Transcript]. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.
Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park: Description of the samples of corrosion products and paint collected in 2019
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2019-07-25
- Seagull's Wing
- The Work Process
- Sculpture V
- Object I
- Form
- Our Life
- In Memory of George of Dalmatia
- Riderless
- Dark Visions I
- Relief in Space
- Dark Visions II
- Antipodes
- Title unknown
- Puzzle Column
- Man and Woman
- Rhythms II
- Random Form With a Thesis
- Prayer Book
- Wall
- City '85
- Door
- Form I
- Orator
- High Voltage
- Zgurić and Family
- Composition I, Composition II
- Butterfly
- Imaginary Machine
- Man-Machine
- Bull's Head
- Flower
- Bird
- Incandescent Planet
- Ornament
- Wayside Monument
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Peko, Neven; Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. July 2019. "Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park, Croatia: Description of the samples delivered to METRIS for analysis." Internal CAPuS report: unpublished. Sisak Municipal Museum, University of Split.
Optical microscopy, micro FT-IR spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, and SEM/EDS analysis of corrosion products, and coating samples collected in 2019 from the sculpture Wall (1985) by Dora Kovačević
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2019-12-16
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Zubin Ferri, Tea. 2019. "Optical microscopy, micro FT-IR spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, and SEM/EDS analysis of corrosion products and coating samples from the sculpture Wall (1985) by Dora Kovačević." Internal CAPuS report: unpublished. Research Center for Metal Industry in Istria County METRIS.
Comment: Stratigraphic analysis was performed on two samples. Coating characterization was performed by combined micro FT-IR, OM, and SEM/EDS techniques. Corrosion products were analyzed by using SEM/EDS and FT-IR.
Cross-section of a paint sample collected in 2019 from the sculpture Wall by Dora Kovačević
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2019-07-31
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Wall by Dora Kovačević (1985), the cross-section of the paint sample 22-1, magnification x200. (Photo by Tea Zubin Ferri, 31 July 2019 © Research Center for Metal Industry in Istria County METRIS)
Maintenance of the sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park in 2013
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2013-10-11
- Symmetry
- Seagull's Wing
- The Work Process
- Sculpture V
- Object I
- Form
- Our Life
- In Memory of George of Dalmatia
- Riderless
- Object II
- Dark Visions I
- Relief in Space
- Flower
- Dark Visions II
- Antipodes
- Title unknown
- Puzzle Column
- Man and Woman
- Rhythms II
- Random Form With a Thesis
- Prayer Book
- Wall
- City '85
- Door
- Form I
- Orator
- High Voltage
- Zgurić and Family
- Composition I, Composition II
- Butterfly
- Imaginary Machine
- Man-Machine
- Bull's Head
- Flower
- Bird
- Incandescent Planet
- Ornament
- Wayside Monument
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Ljubić Tobisch, Valentina; Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2013. "Izvješće o provođenju mjera preventivne zaštite na javnim skulpturama nastalim u sklopu Kolonije likovnih umjetnika Željezare Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.