Puzzle Column

- artist
- year1978
- dimensions(cm)
- width : 135.3 height : 227 depth : 127.6
- materials
- Steel
- Paint
- owner/custodian

- countryCroatia
- citySisak
- addressIndustrial complex of the former Sisak Steelworks (ABS Sisak d.o.o.)
- environmental context industrial area
An installation view of Puzzle Column by Erik Lovko in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park (2018)
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2018-10-25
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Puzzle Column by Erik Lovko (1978), total. (Photo by Boris Cvjetanović, 25 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park (selected artworks): XRF, Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy of paint samples collected in 2016
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2018-05-16
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Desnica, Vladan. 2018. "Laboratorijski izvještaj istraživanja provedenih na skulpturama u Parku skulptura, Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Zagreb, Academy of Fine Arts, Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Scientific Laboratory.
Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park: Description of the samples of corrosion products and paint collected in 2019
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2019-07-25
- Seagull's Wing
- The Work Process
- Sculpture V
- Object I
- Form
- Our Life
- In Memory of George of Dalmatia
- Riderless
- Dark Visions I
- Relief in Space
- Dark Visions II
- Antipodes
- Title unknown
- Puzzle Column
- Man and Woman
- Rhythms II
- Random Form With a Thesis
- Prayer Book
- Wall
- City '85
- Door
- Form I
- Orator
- High Voltage
- Zgurić and Family
- Composition I, Composition II
- Butterfly
- Imaginary Machine
- Man-Machine
- Bull's Head
- Flower
- Bird
- Incandescent Planet
- Ornament
- Wayside Monument
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Peko, Neven; Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. July 2019. "Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park, Croatia: Description of the samples delivered to METRIS for analysis." Internal CAPuS report: unpublished. Sisak Municipal Museum, University of Split.
Maintenance of the sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park in 2013
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2013-10-11
- Symmetry
- Seagull's Wing
- The Work Process
- Sculpture V
- Object I
- Form
- Our Life
- In Memory of George of Dalmatia
- Riderless
- Object II
- Dark Visions I
- Relief in Space
- Flower
- Dark Visions II
- Antipodes
- Title unknown
- Puzzle Column
- Man and Woman
- Rhythms II
- Random Form With a Thesis
- Prayer Book
- Wall
- City '85
- Door
- Form I
- Orator
- High Voltage
- Zgurić and Family
- Composition I, Composition II
- Butterfly
- Imaginary Machine
- Man-Machine
- Bull's Head
- Flower
- Bird
- Incandescent Planet
- Ornament
- Wayside Monument
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Ljubić Tobisch, Valentina; Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2013. "Izvješće o provođenju mjera preventivne zaštite na javnim skulpturama nastalim u sklopu Kolonije likovnih umjetnika Željezare Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.