
- artist
- year1973
- dimensions(cm)
- width : 300 height : 176 depth : 166
- materials
- Steel
- Paint
- owner/custodian

- countryCroatia
- citySisak
- addressAlley of the National Heroes 3
- environmental context suburban area
An installation view of Symmetry by Vera Fischer in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park (2018)
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2018-10-25
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Photos (left to right):
[1] Symmetry by Vera Fischer (1973), total. (Photo by Boris Cvjetanović, 25 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[2] Symmetry by Vera Fischer (1973), total. (Photo by Boris Cvjetanović, 25 October 2018 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
Catalogue of the final exhibition of the 1973 Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists Colony
- type: scanned-paper-document
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Sešo, Branka, ed. 1973. 1973 : Kolonija likovnih umjetnika III. Sisak: Kolonija likovnih umjetnika Željezare Sisak. Courtesy of Vlatko Čakširan (Sisak Municipal Museum).
Comment: Black-and-white photographs of Vera Fischer's Symmetry (unpainted), and Milena Lah's Seagull's Wing (unpainted). Short biographies of the two artists.
An old newspaper article with images of Vera Fischer's sculpture Symmetry and Ivan Kožarić's sculpture Antipodes
- type: scanned-paper-document
- date: 1981-12-25
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Buinac, Jelena. 1981. "Još treba vremena za potpunije prožimanje." Vjesnik Željezare, 25 December, p. 16. (Newspaper courtesy of Đuro Tadić. Digitized by the University of Split Library.)
Comment: The article contains an image of Vera Fischer's sculpture Symmetry installed in front of the Hotel Panonija, and an image of Ivan Kožarić's sculpture Antipodes installed in front of the Sisak Steelworks' main entrance.
Newspaper articles describing the rescue of the sculpture Symmetry by Vera Fischer from a recycling facility
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2008-02-19
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Photos (left to right):
[1] Piškor, Mate. 2008. "Spasila sam 'Simetriju' i spas građana Siska." Jutarnji list, 19 February, page unknown. Available at: https://www.jutarnji.hr/arhiva/spasila-sam-simetriju-i-cast-gradana-siska/3868230/ (Photo by Sagita Mirjam Sunara, 3 October 2012 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
[2] Horvat, Martin. 2008. "Branka Sešo spasila je Simetriju od talionice". Večernji list, 27 May, page unknown. (Photo by Sagita Mirjam Sunara, 3 October 2012 © University of Split, The Arts Academy)
Comment: Branka Sešo, former organizer of the Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists Colony, explains how she rescued Vera Fischer's Symmetry from a recycling facility in 2006.
Vera Fischer's paint choice for the repainting of her sculpture Symmetry in 2008
- type: scanned-paper-document
- date: 2008-05-06
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Fischer, Vera. 2008. "Suglasnost za bojenje skulpture Simetrija." Unpublished document. Courtesy of Ivana Miletić Čakširan (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Monuments Care Office in Sisak).
Maintenance of the sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park in 2013
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2013-10-11
- Symmetry
- Seagull's Wing
- The Work Process
- Sculpture V
- Object I
- Form
- Our Life
- In Memory of George of Dalmatia
- Riderless
- Object II
- Dark Visions I
- Relief in Space
- Flower
- Dark Visions II
- Antipodes
- Title unknown
- Puzzle Column
- Man and Woman
- Rhythms II
- Random Form With a Thesis
- Prayer Book
- Wall
- City '85
- Door
- Form I
- Orator
- High Voltage
- Zgurić and Family
- Composition I, Composition II
- Butterfly
- Imaginary Machine
- Man-Machine
- Bull's Head
- Flower
- Bird
- Incandescent Planet
- Ornament
- Wayside Monument
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Ljubić Tobisch, Valentina; Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2013. "Izvješće o provođenju mjera preventivne zaštite na javnim skulpturama nastalim u sklopu Kolonije likovnih umjetnika Željezare Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.