condition reporting
  • Condition report and treatment proposal for the sculpture Flower by Vera Fischer, from 2018

  • type: electronic-document
  • date: 2018-01-08
  • artworks:
  • created by:
  • copyright holder(s):
  • Sunara, Sagita Mirjam. 2018. "Konzervatorsko-restauratorski elaborat za skulpturu Cvijet autorice Vere Fischer iz Parka skulptura nastalih u okviru Kolonije likovnih umjetnika Željezara Sisak." Unpublished report. University of Split, The Arts Academy, Conservation-Restoration Department.

    Comment: The art-historical note is followed by a description of the materials and techniques used in the fabrication of the sculpture, and by a description of its as-found condition. The treatment proposal was written by Jelena Tomasović Grbić (Kvinar d.o.o.). Cost estimate is considered confidential information, and has been removed from the file. Appendices have also been omitted.