Two dragons carry a new creature

- artist
- year2012
- dimensions(cm)
- width : 980 height : 680 depth : 0
- materials
- Polymers
- Spray paint
- Acrylic dispersion
- Water-borne wall paint
- Quartz- based paint
- substrates
- Reinforced concrete
- owner/custodian

- countryitaly
- cityReggio Emilia
- addressVia Petrella 2, Reggio Emilia
A picture of Gola Hundun's interview (2018)
- type: born-digital photograph
- date: 2018-09-20
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Ilaria Saccani (CESMAR7) interviewing Gola Hundun (2018)
Excerpt from Gola Hundun's interview: surface choice and phases of artwork creation (audio)
- type: audio
- date: 2018-09-20
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Excerpt from Gola Hundun's interview: surface choice and phases of artwork creation. Audio file (.mp3, 2'43'')
Excerpt from Gola Hundun's interview: artworks duration
- type: audio
- date: 2018-09-20
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Audio excerpt from Gola Hundun's interview on artworks duration and idea of conservation (.mp3, 2'19'')
GOLA HUNDUN's Interview- excerpts transcription
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2018-09-20
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Transcription of Gola Hundun's interview excerpts
Analytical research Two Dragons_OBJ 8 by Gola Hundun, Pigal Community Centrem Reggio EMilia (2012)
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2020-03-19
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Analytical research of Two Dragons carry a new creature by Gola Hundun (ARCI PIGAL, 2012) by FTIR, Micro Raman Spectroscopy, Raman in situ, Py-GC/MS, optical microscopy and stereomicroscopy
Condition report of TWO DRAGONS by Gola Hundun, Pigal Community Centre, Reggio Emilia (2012)
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2020-03-30
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):