Tribute to Kahled al Asaad

- artist
- year2016
- dimensions(cm)
- width : 4500 height : 500 depth : 0
- materials
- Polymers
- Spray paint
- Water-borne wall paint
- substrates
- Cement render
- owner/custodian

- countryItaly
- cityMilan
- addressVia Giulio Cesare Procaccini 2, Milano
- environmental context heavily trafficked urban area
Analytical research TRIBUTE TO KAHLED_OBJ 13 bu Ivan, Nais, Orticanoodle and Pao, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan (2016)
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2020-03-19
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):
Analytical research of TRIBUTE TO KAHLED AL ASAAD (Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan) by stereomicroscopy
Condition report of TRIBUTE TO KAHLED by Ivan, Nais, Orticanoodles and Pao, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan (2016)
- type: electronic-document
- date: 2020-03-30
- artworks:
- created by:
- copyright holder(s):